Welcome to Tree Franklyn's 

Together, we'll clear your subconscious blocks, heal your emotional wounds and ignite the light inside you so you can move forward with freedom, power and purpose.
Soul First is Tree's Exclusive 1:1 Coaching Program Designed to Help You Go From Struggle & Resistance to Ease & Flow So You Can Create The Life You Truly Deserve.
You don't have to do it alone.

We'll Take You From This...

To This...



You'll meet with Tree for a one-on-one Zoom call to learn more about your challenges and blocks, as well as your dreams and goals. We'll also identify which stage you're in according to Tree's signature 4 Stages of Empathic Awakening. This will help us figure out the best place to start together so we can create a clear, structured plan to get you where you want to go in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of resistance. 


You'll receive access to the Empathic Awakening Academy where you can learn in the comfort of your own home, in your own time, at your own pace. You'll be given a curriculum to follow specially created for your unique struggles and circumstances. Courses in the Academy cover a variety of topics from financial abundance to emotional resilience to energy healing and more. All the videos are 100% keyword and keyphrase searchable so you can type in a question or topic and have access to answers at your fingertips in between coaching calls, 24/7.


The Healing Room is a unique virtual space filled with guided meditations, visualizations, subliminal audios and videos, binaural beats, and more, all with one purpose: TO HEAL. Whether you want to decrease stress, reduce anxiety, sleep better, increase abundance, release limiting beliefs, reprogram your subconscious mind, open your third eye, travel to celestial planes and beyond, you'll find what you're looking for in the Healing Room. Sit back, relax, put on headphones and let the healing begin. 


You'll meet 1:1 on Zoom with Tree every week or every other week. Frequency depends on the level and length of coaching you've joined, along with your availability. This is your time with Tree in an intimate, safe and private setting so you can do the inner work together to release, heal, and clear pain, trauma and any blocks to your freedom and joy. These calls create accountability and rapid growth to ensure you're seeing progress quickly and consistently so you can keep moving forward. Be ready to dive deep, we don't do surface fixes here. We go to the core wounds and heal from the inside out. Crying is allowed. ;)


You'll have access to live weekly group coaching calls and classes via Zoom with Tree. This is a space to learn and also get your questions answered in between 1:1 sessions. Training varies each week and includes masterclasses, guided exercises, HeartDiving, group energy healing sessions and more, followed by Q&A. You'll have access to all recordings if you can't join live. You'll learn from others as you witness them being coached and guided by Tree. 


You'll have access to join any guest expert masterclasses, workshops, summits, and speaker sessions that occur during your coaching period. Past guest experts and interviews have included NY Times Best-Selling Author Arielle Ford, NY Times Best-Selling Author Mark Manson, TEDx Speaker Dr. Andrea Pennington, and many more. 


We'll mail you (Yes, to a physical address! Do people still do that? Why yes, yes they do!) Tree's paperback books, personally autographed for you, along with some mystery goodies. Books include "HeartDiver: A 5-Step Method To Help You Find, Feel & Heal Your Heart's Deepest Wounds" and "The Empath's Guide to Emotional Survival: Grounding Techniques for Empaths, Lightworkers and Sensitive Souls."

Connected to a higher source of energy...

“Tree must be connected to a higher source of energy because every time I was coached by her I felt an otherworldly connection to her. I felt an ease and excitement in listening to her like I was being held in amazing grace. Plus, she’s an endless stream of amazing insights, which she shared effortlessly. I believe that Tree was destined to create a global impact on people so they can flourish.”

Joe Shoemaker
CEO & Energy Healer

For Sensitive, Empathic & Intuitive Truth Seekers Who Are Committed To Their Self-Growth And Are Courageous Enough To Go Deep Emotionally And Explore the Darker Parts of Themselves To Create Lasting Change

  • Empathic and Highly Sensitive People (HSPs): You know you have an unconscious block somewhere, you can sense it because you're intuitive, but you don't know exactly what it is.
  • Self-Reflective Deep Feelers: No one would know it because you put up a good front, but in your quiet moments of truth, you feel shame, unworthiness, disappointment, and even loathing toward yourself but don't know how to change it. 
  • Perfect If You've Failed Before: You're in for a special awakening if you've been working on yourself for a while and haven't experienced a lasting, transformative shift. 
  • Ready to Do The Deep Work: You're tired of feeling this way about yourself, not living the life you know you could be living, and want your breakthrough now.
  • Tired of Surface Solutions or Short Bursts of Growth: You've tried everything the best-selling books said and taken countless workshops, seminars and classes and yet even though things have changed, you still find yourself repeating the same toxic patterns and cycles, no matter how long and hard you've worked on yourself and how much self-help you've done. You wonder what's it going to take to truly change?
  • Successful On The Outside: You've achieved quite a lot and others look at you and think you've made it. But despite all the success you've had, you feel empty, unfulfilled and lacking inside. You've come to recognize that achieving things you thought would make you happy only serves to temporarily tame the yearning inside you for something more.
  • Forgiveness Evades You: You know you have to forgive that person - you know who I'm talking about - but you just can't. After all the forgiveness techniques you've tried over the years, this person and what they did to you still haunts you, no matter how irrational it seems and how long ago it happened, and even though you know forgiveness is for you, not them, your heart still can't let go. 
  • Grief Floors You: You've lost something or someone incredibly precious to you and there's a gaping hole in your soul. Life feels empty and meaningless. And cruel. You're sad. You're angry. And most of all, you're tired of hearing people say trite things such as, "everything happens for a reason," and "you have to let go and move on," or "they're at peace with God now," or "they would want you to be happy." You've had enough of that. You desperately want to move on but you don't know HOW. You can barely put on your pants and get through the day, let alone move on and think about your future without them. (Tree has a very powerful process for grief, different than anything out there)
  • Your Unique Circumstance: You have a unique circumstance that generic one-size-fits-all coaching doesn't solve. Because of the details of what you've been through, who you are or what your life circumstance is now, you need someone to help you specifically with consideration of your special situation. 

I'm doing things I NEVER EVER thought I could do!

“I’m so glad I found you, Tree! You have led me into a transformation that I had no idea in the world was possible! I wake up every morning now, confident that I can handle the day instead of dreading it! I am able to love myself. I know what my core values are and how to use them to ground myself when I feel emotional overwhelm. And I can use my ability to feel the emotions of others to help them feel understood and valid. Thank you so much for helping me on this journey! I am doing things I NEVER EVER thought I could do!”

Claire Roundtree
  • Direct 1:1 Coaching With Tree - Weekly or BiWeekly 
  • Access To The Empathic Awakening Academy And All Its Courses
  • A Customized Curriculum Personalized to Your Stage, Struggles And Goals
  • Access to the Academy's Healing Room
  • Live Weekly Group Coaching, Classes & Q&A
  • Access to Special Guest Expert Masterclasses & Workshops
  • 2 Autographed Books from Tree
  • Email Support
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

I don't feel as edgy or angry all the time.

"I don't feel as edgy or angry all the time. And the best part is not feeling so empty. I am delighted and surprised that it was my inner child that's the tough one. She brought strength. How about that? And here I was wanting to reconnect with the intention of rescuing or saving HER! LOL. I so appreciate you and your courses and coaching. You really do know what it's like to be an empath and are a real gem for how you have helped me find my balance."
Sherry H.

Take A Look At Our Risk-Free Happiness Guarantee... And Go Ahead, Tell Us We're Crazy To Offer It!

We’re confident that if you follow what Tree teaches, show up for the calls, and do what she maps out for you, you will be the happiest you've ever been, and will walk away with practical tools that you can use for ANY of your future life challenges, regardless of the circumstance. 

Tree's coaching isn't therapy. Her coaching techniques are unique, out of the box, and designed to go directly to the root of your problem so you don't waste any more time living the less-than-extraordinary life that you deserve, right now. You'll have endless resources from the private coaching calls to the group calls to the masterclasses and the courses in the Academy, along with full support from Tree and her team. 

As far as we know, no other coach out there offers this type of guarantee. We KNOW our methods work and they work fast, and we're confident to offer this type of guarantee that puts ALL the risk in Tree's hands and NONE in yours.   

All you have to do is your part - show up for the calls, take action on what Tree teaches - and if you're not the happiest you've ever been by the time your sessions are over, we'll refund you 100% in full. 

We'll be here supporting you every step of the way!

A Powerful Voice...

"Tree is a powerful voice for sensitive souls who want a deeper, more meaningful life."

Selena Soo
Creator of Impacting Millions
Tree's coaching methods focus on practical, energetic and experiential processes to release subconscious limitations and blocks, transcend suffering/sadness/emotional pain and awaken to higher presence to find joy, ease and purpose. 

We'll approach your sessions from a holistic standpoint, working on your current challenges from a practical earthly level (more money, healthier relationships, better health, etc) as well as from an energetic spiritual level (subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs, trapped emotional pain from trauma, karmic cords, sacred contracts, etc).

Everything is based on Tree's personal practices, methods and techniques - the same practices she used to heal her own emotional trauma and rise out of her own limiting blocks to create an abundant life she loves. 

During her years of working with sensitive souls, empaths and lightworkers (and being one herself), she started to notice that all of her clients fell into 1 of 4 stages in their emotional and spiritual growth. She began paying attention to these similarities and noticed that each stage has its own set of languages, stories and beliefs that were recurring patterns for everyone in that stage, no matter what part of the world they're from or what experiences they've had.

Clarifying these stages has not only helped her personally in her own evolutionary growth, but they've proven to be vital to helping her clients by only doing techniques that work for their level so they don't waste time and energy on techniques that don't.

Her practical hands-on approach to using your daily struggles, thoughts, and emotions as guides to greater self-awareness and spiritual evolution are easily accessible and provide a “lifeboat” in the sea of overwhelm for empathic, sensitive souls. She doesn't just offer Universal truths and wisdom, she shows you in a concrete, action-oriented way how to live those truths. 

Her modalities include her own HeartDiver Healing Method and Sacred Freedom Healing, as well as Emotional Freedom Technique, Ho'oponopono and Reiki. 
Since developing her own breakthrough techniques, which she'll teach you in the coaching program, Tree has...
  • Been featured in the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Elephant Journal and more
  • Taught about emotional empowerment at the Shift Network, the Integrated Empath Summit, the Minds Journal and more
  • Helped thousands of deep feelers, just like you, get clear on who they truly are, take back their lives and be a force of light in this world

She's created her own methods to go deep into your energy field (with your permission) and pull out the hidden unconscious places in you and bring them to light so they can be acknowledged, processed and healed, forever freeing you from repeating the same toxic or limiting cycles again.

This clears you to move forward in life with freedom, power and purpose. 


Courses for empaths, highly sensitive, lightworker


Click the "Apply Now" button below and submit your application
Coaching for empaths, highly sensitive, lightworker


If your application is accepted, you'll receive an invitation to join
Community for empaths, highly sensitive, lightworker


Once you've joined, attend the calls, do the inner work and heal your life!


"I can't believe I was living such a toxic life before and didn't even truly know it. I mean, I knew I was frustrated and unhappy, but now that you've showed me how to be really happy, I just can't go back."
 Maureen T.
"You saved my relationship with my daughter. She was so angry at me and I didn't know why. After your energy sessions, I understand her more and am able to communicate with love and compassion."
 Annabelle P.
"And only a month after working with you, my twin flame showed up at my doorstep. Literally. He's a UPS driver! The energy work we did together cleared the path for him to find me!"
 Alex H.

You Showed Me How To Live Again

"I now know exactly what to do when something bad happens and I start to freak out. First, I'm no longer reactive and triggered easily. But when I am, I know how to calm myself and gather perspective."
 Tim B.
"So this is what freedom feels like. I always only dreamt about it. Thank you for making my dreams a reality and showing me it's not only possible but that it's possible FOR ME of all people!"
 Katie B.
"Thank you for helping me through my mom's death. I needed her apology and never got it. Not even an acknowledgment of what she did. You showed me how to get my own redemption without her."
 Jada D.

You're a Relationship Miracle Worker

You Really Are The Real Deal

Now I'm Living It! (An Amazing Life)

Sensitivity and Success...

"Tree Franklyn is a bridge between honoring the sensitivities of the soul and getting things done in the realistic world. She has the humility to inspire you to stop hiding and the pragmatism to show you how to create in the here and now. She is sensitivity AND success – and it’s a beautiful combination."

Dr. Cari Oneal, PhD.
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